Smile Design

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We redesign your smile.

Maintaining oral and dental health is very important for a beautiful smile. Any problem in dental aesthetics can cause both loss of self-confidence and different dental diseases in terms of health. In the face of such situations, there is a frequently preferred procedure in recent years to give patients a healthy smile; smile design. This application, also known as the "Hollywood smile" in the colloquial language, brings with it a sparkling smile with white teeth. Healthy smiling patients both eliminate their dental problems and increase their self-confidence. Information about smile design with details is with you…

What is smile design?

The treatment performed to eliminate dental problems that impair aesthetics while smiling and to give a natural tooth appearance suitable for the facial structure is called smile design. The main purpose of the smile design is to eliminate the problems in tooth color, shape and deformities, and problems in chewing function.

How to make a smile design?

In the first stage of smile design, it is decided what the patient's expectation from the treatment and what can be done in line with these needs. Many procedures such as teeth whitening, aesthetic coating, filling, tooth lengthening, gum treatment can be applied in combination for patients within the scope of "smile design".

For digital smile design, a smile design is made for the patient first. After video shooting and photography, the lower and upper jaw measurements are determined. After the measurements taken are converted into a digital design, a second appointment is made for the patient for testing. After the resulting design is transferred to a silicone mold called "Mock-Up", it is placed in the patient's mouth. In the meantime, all the details that will bring the aesthetic smile to the fore and possible defects, if any, are determined.

After the treatment methods to be applied to the patient are decided, the procedures begin. Generally, it is possible to get the desired results in 3 sessions.

What should be considered when designing a smile?

In order to provide patients with an aesthetic smile, areas such as facial features, chin, nose, eyes, and ears are taken into consideration during rehearsal sessions and during the procedure. Another issue that is as important as making the smile aesthetic is to ensure that there is no problem in the chewing function of the patient and to eliminate the existing problems. Therefore, procedures suitable for patient comfort should be preferred.

How long does smile design take?

The average number of sessions varies as 3 or more depending on the procedure to be applied and the general health status of the patient.

What kind of processes are involved in smile design?

Smile design incorporates many combined procedures required for patients to have a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth structure. For this reason, there are multidisciplinary treatments and collaborations with specialist doctors in the field. If necessary, support can be obtained from areas such as orthodontics and surgery.

What are the advantages of smile design?

First impression matters. A sincere smile always creates a sincere stance during the conversation, which is the basis of communication. Smile design aims to eliminate existing dental problems in the mouth, while giving patients the white and shining smile they miss. Patients who regain their self-confidence with a beautiful smile establish healthy communication and feel good.

Is smile design a permanent process?

Although smile aesthetics is a permanent procedure, it may need to be renewed in cases where the necessary care is not taken about oral and dental health. Especially, performing oral and dental health checks every six months and getting support from specialist doctors about gum health ensures that the smile aesthetics maintains its first day appearance for a long time. An example of this situation; It is in the form of “re-design of smile is required due to the occurrence of yellowing of teeth in cases such as cigarette, alcohol, coffee consumption”.