Porcelain Laminated (Leaf Porcelain)

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We add naturalness and shine to your smile with porcelain laminates.

Porcelain laminates, also known as leaf porcelains, are one of the coating types that are widely preferred in aesthetic dentistry and applied to the front surface of the teeth. Porcelain laminates applied in yellowing teeth, in patients with gaps between teeth, and in tooth crowding make it possible to achieve an effective result in smile design. The fact that a holistic smile gives patients self-confidence makes it possible to adapt happy individuals to social life. Before porcelain veneers are made, cutting can be applied considering the patient's tooth length. Porcelains known for their durability and color structure that do not deteriorate during the process are preferred.
porcelain laminates;

• It is resistant to abrasion.

• The level of staining on the teeth against alcohol, cigarette and coffee consumption is minimal.

• They have the advantage of being used for many years.

• It is suitable for the patient's oral comfort.

• They can be made ready in an average of 5 to 10 days.

• The application process is completed in a short time.

Porcelain laminates are not recommended to be applied to patients who are unsuitable for veneer due to jaw disorder, patients with advanced gingival recession, and patients with habits such as nail biting, finger sucking, pen biting.