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We fix your tooth deficiencies with implant treatment.

Implants known as titanium screws, which are preferred in the treatment of missing teeth, are imitations of the natural tooth root. Due to our jawbone structure, titanium material is used in implant treatments as our body can be easily synthesized with titanium. The bone resorption that occurs after the tooth extraction process of the patients, in other words resorption, prepares the necessary ground for the implant treatment. It is possible to answer the question of what is another implant as aesthetic appearance and healthy performance of the patient's intraoral activities.

Factors such as facial profile disorders, wrinkles around the mouth, difficulty in supporting activities on the lips, and reduction of the distance between the tip of the chin and the nose, especially after bone loss, show that implant treatment is important for both health and appearance.

The purpose of applying dental implants is to eliminate the missing tooth in the existing area. Implants applied on areas with tooth loss are widely preferred in dentistry. After tooth extraction, the bone surrounding the teeth begins to melt over time. After this situation, which is called resorption, the facial profile deteriorates, the existing support of the lip disappears, the wrinkles around the mouth increase, and the nose and chin tip get closer to each other.As a result of this situation, implants are placed in place of the roots of the extracted teeth. The tight bond established between the implant surface and the bone allows the natural tooth functionality to be regained. Oral functions, which are used effectively in actions such as chewing and biting, stimulate the bone and prevent bone resorption.
Advantages of the implant;

• Oral and dental health is protected with dental implants. Neighboring teeth do not need to be cut either.

• It is applied with local anesthesia.

• Stitches are removed 1 week after the procedure.

• Depending on the bone quality, after a waiting period of 1.5 - 2 months, prosthesis can be started on the implants.

• Its appearance, function and feel are similar to natural teeth.

• They are more stable and more comfortable than partial teeth

• They can fulfill the natural biting and chewing function.

• They stop the resorption in the bone.

• They preserve the integrity of the facial structures.

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